As you may have already noticed – after updating your TSplus software with the latest version, RDS-Knight – one of our powerful Security Companion tool – change its name for TSplus Advanced Security.

This new name shows consistency in
our brand identity and aligns with our development goals for the future.
You will now be able to choose between:
- TSplus Advanced Security Essentials, which offers 4 protections for your TSplus servers:
- Homeland Protection: Prevents foreign attackers from opening remote sessions.
- Brute-Force Defender: Blacklist suspicious or troublesome IP addresses and limit failed login attempts.
- Working Hours Restriction: Control the days and times that users can access the remote servers.
- Permissions: Easily inspect Users and Groups privileges on folders and files.
- TSplus Ultimate Protection, which offers all the Security Essentials features and more protections for your TSplus servers:
- One Click to Secure Desktop: Simple remote access group policy control.
- End-Point Device Protection: Restrict access by device name.
- Ransomware Protection: Ransomware is quickly becoming one of the most common forms of cyber-threats.
TSplus Advanced Security Ransomware Protection stops Ransomware in its tracks. - Permissions: Easily inspect and manage Users and Groups privileges on folders and files.
This change reflects a larger effort to better communicate our objective to integrate remote access and cyber security solutions.
TSplus Advanced Security is available on its newest version: 4.5 and embarks a built-in Firewall.
Your company can now enjoy the use of our security software without using Windows Firewall. More, this built-in firewall has been designed to consume little bandwidth.
Some general notes on the rebranding:
- The name “RDS-Knight” does not drive the idea of an integrated cyber-security tool and we want to fix this.
- The historical term of “add-on” does not clearly shows how essential and how powerful is this tool when combined with TSplus.
- The new name “TSplus Advanced Security” brings the idea of a fully integrated set of security features for TSplus. It shows consistency in our brand identity and aligns with our development goals for the future.
- The branding change within the software is easy to implement and has begun to roll out with the most recent update.
RDS-Knight will not completely disappear, as it will stay the brand we use for the RDS-Tools products line.